__muisc & sounds by: ____x-ceed / scope _____[ex. snoopy] _it's my contribution _to the multichannel ____music compo at __g r a v i t y '97 greetz to all my m8ts but especially to all from #amisia: yoyo, d_generat, psv thief, tonid, s-fml, bloob, magic, unreal player, szymon, yaal mps,madbart, patrzala docent, bogi, miva, corty, trash, celic digger, yuyo, ranger maro and rest. for any music reason reach me at: x-ceed@union.medianet. .pl --------------------- Modul napisany na Amidze i skonwertowany przez program Multer v2.1 by Lamesoft /Lamers ---------------------